South East Asia - Using Research for Change in Hospital acquired Infection in Neonates

Infection in the first weeks of life results in millions of deaths each year, mostly in resource-limited settings. There are simple, cost-effective, research-informed interventions shown to prevent these deaths but they are not well implemented. Determining how to effectively translate these interventions into routine practice could substantially reduce neonatal illness and death.
Building on the network of researchers and teachers of evidence-based health care across four South East Asian countries developed in the SEA-ORCHID project, this collaborative project aims to improve the clinical practice in prevention and treatment of neonatal infection, and so improve health outcomes for babies in 11 hospitals in four countries in South East Asia.

SEA-URCHIN is a five-year project (2011-15) involving centres in Thailand, Malaysia, Philippines and Indonesia. These centres are supported by teams based at three centres in Australia (Monash University, University of Sydney and University of Adelaide).

SEA-URCHIN is funded by a Project Grant from the National Health and Medical Research Council of Australia.