Preventing Overdiagnosis Conference 2019

The 7th international Preventing Overdiagnosis scientific conference is set to be held in Sydney from 5-7 December 2019Hosted by Wiser Healthcare, co-sponsored by the WHO and supported by a broad range of associate partners (including Cochrane Australia), the event promises to be a thought-provoking exploration of what is causing overdiagnosis, where and how it is happening, and how we can begin to address it. 

Themes for 2019 include:

  • Commercial Drivers of Overdiagnosis / Commercial Determinants of Health
  • Genomics and Precision Medicine: risks and benefits
  • Overdiagnosis and the Media
  • Addressing Overdiagnosis and Overtreatment in Musculoskeletal Conditions
  • Screening and Overdiagnosis in the Asia Pacific Region

The three day event will feature a range of keynote speakers, including Associate Professor Anna Stavdal, President-Elect of the World Organization of Family Doctors (WONCA) and Dr Fiona Godlee, Editor-in-chief, BMJ. 

Visit Preventing Overdiagnosis for more information and online registration - early bird closes 31 July.